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A Guide to Marketing your Indie Game! How I got 20,000 Followers on Twitter

So I had a few requests from my Kickstarter post to write up a bit on how I do marketing for our game. I run the Twitter account for our 3D platformer, Billie Bust Up. With my team, we've managed to cultivate a small fandom following during the pre-alpha stages of our game.
Marketing your game early is extremely important. We live in an age where anyone can develop games, the industry is oversaturated. Start building an audience as soon as you can or you’ll find yourself without customers when your game is ready to sell.

Find Your Unique Selling Point!

In the world of indie games, it's hard to stand out, find out what makes your game unique! What gets people excited to play your game? You'll need to focus it down to one line.
Here is an example of our USP "Billie Bust Up is a musical 3D Platformer with cute characters and catchy villain songs!"
I use it on all of our social media posts. It can take a very long time to find that unique selling point, so don't stress if you're struggling, it took me 2 years of working on Billie Bust Up to find ours.
Your story will very very rarely be your USP! You won't find people invested in your story if they are not yet invested in your characters, and it is extremely hard to sell a game on story alone. Focus more on how your gameplay stands out. Think "purple elephant", something so interesting and bizarre you have to tell your friends about it. Word of mouth can be one of the most important means of advertisement. Take a look at some big indie games, see what made their product stand out, what was their unique selling point? I recommend watching the GDC talk "30 things I hate about your pitch" for more help. It is extremely important to figure out the parts that make your game stand out and make them clear to your potential audience. Use your audience to your advantage too! Originally only one character was going to have a song, but after community response, we expanded the entire game to a full musical.

It’s All in the Name

Unless you're a AAA company with a huge marketing budget avoid using one-word adjectives or nouns unless you are using a made-up word. I have seen games in the past that have used a generic word and then found it impossible to find their game, even when I was actively searching for it on google I couldn’t find their game anywhere. People should be able to find you quickly. Ideally, you want to google your name and find yourself at the very top of the results.
Try and think of something catchy that’s easy to remember. Don’t make your name too long or confusing.
Try out multiple names and see what people think of them. We had multiple suggestions for names before we all decided and voted on one we liked.

Setting up your Page

I use Twitter for most of our advertisement and it is where I've had the most success.
When it comes to Twitter you’re going to want a nice clean and attractive page. When people click on your page they’re going to want to know everything about your game at first glance. Don't make them look for information.
When people first see your Twitter, without even having to scroll down, they should know
Try to do the same with your game and nail down the most important aspects of it. You have limited space to use so make sure you use it effectively. Does your audience really need to know where you’re based or how long you’ve worked on your game? Use this opportunity to elevator pitch your game and USP, not your company. I would encourage you to set up a special account with your game name and avoid using personal accounts or company accounts, you want to advertise ONLY your game here. On your personal Twitter, you are then free to post cute pet photos or selfies. It focuses your feed and gets people to know the name of your game when they see it pop up on their feed. No one knows our company name, but it doesn't matter. Your company will gain a reputation after your game's launch.

Keep your Timeline Clean

Your audience will have a very short attention span so keep your timeline clean and relevant. If you retweet unrelated content or respond to comments with gif reactions then make sure you delete them a day after. If I look through your media tab I want to see your game, if your audience is having to scroll through unrelated gif responses they will eventually get fed up and leave your page having learned nothing of your game.

Reshare & Retweet old work

You’ll want to make sure you retweet or repost your older work so that you can maximize how much of your audience sees it. I will try and tweet at peak hours when Twitter is most active (usually early morning and late evening) and then retweet again 8 hours later for people in different time zones.
Repost your older work! Your new followers won't have seen it, just because you didn't get lots of views on your first try doesn't mean the post itself is bad, and creating constant new content for your followers is a lot of work, save that time and work more on your game instead! I usually repost the same gif MULTIPLE times and they always succeed in bumping up our follower account. Here is a quick example:

Analyze your Work

I’m always asking myself these questions; “why did this tweet do badly?” “Why did this tweet do well?” Try and figure out where you’re going wrong and learn from your mistakes. You can use Twitter analytics to help you
You can check under the ‘tweets’ tab for analytics and look at how individual tweets performed. Sometimes a tweet won’t get a high amount of likes or retweets but you’ll see that it had very little in terms of impressions on the analytics. This could be down to multiple reasons, perhaps you posted at the wrong time of day, or you didn’t use the correct hashtags, figure out why people are not seeing your post and fix it.
Study more into engagement rates and learn what your baseline is, 8% engagement sounds like a low number it’s surprisingly high for Twitter! Don’t feel disheartened if these are low for you, it’s very normal. Try increasing your engagements by asking an open-ended question at the end of each tweet, responses will help boost your engagement rating and thus the visibility of your post.
I also end up learning more about what my audience wants from our game, when tweets do well it helps me figure out what characters or environments people like. We wouldn't have made a musical 3D platformer if the reaction to one song hadn't been so strong.

Using Hashtags

When it comes to hashtags, try to limit yourself to a maximum of three hashtags per tweet. Sometimes I don't use them at all, but to get started I'd recommend using #gamedev #indiedev #UE4 (only if you're using that engine of course) and #indiedevhour and #screenshotsaturday. I found the most success finding an audience with #screenshotsaturday, but find what's best for you!

Moving Images

This is very important for Twitter, people will quickly be scrolling through their feed and you will need to grab their attention. Movement will always draw the eye to a tweet and is an easy way to maximize your engagement. I try to avoid videos as Twitter has a bad habit of compressing the video quality and creating a blurry mess. If you need to show a long section of gameplay you should use video but default to gif if you can. I will very rarely use static images, you’re selling moving interactable art, show people your game in action. If it's a static character pose put them on a turntable! I use ezgif to make all my gifs, it has no watermark and is super easy to use. Make sure your gifs are under 15MB

Don’t Mass Follow or Follow Back

I would never encourage someone to mass follow other accounts or to follow people back for an easy high follower count. People will see right through that. An account with 1000 following and 1000 followers is less impressive than an account that is only following 10 people with 1000 followers. You want people who are actually interested in your game.
You definitely should not follow a bunch of people and unfollow after they follow you back either, your account may seem impressive at first glance but people will be able to tell from your lack of engagement that the follower count is not genuine. It doesn’t give a good impression on you or your business ethic either. I only follow people related to the project in some form, like a verified list of our employees or contract workers.

Engage with your Followers

Never undervalue your audience and try your best to engage with them! Once you get thousands of followers it will obviously be harder to do this but dedicate a set amount of time each day to respond to people and encourage conversation. Make your followers feel loved and valued, they’re the reason you’re able to pursue your passion and make video games and they should know how important they are. Conversations will also pop up onto other people’s feeds and in turn motivate more people to join in and discover your game.


Giveaways are an easy win-win scenario, you reward your audience with something free and you can easily reach your target audience. Don’t feel the need to give away something flashy or expensive, especially when you’re a struggling young developer with not much money. You can give out hand-cut stickers, buttons, or even in-game rewards.
Make sure you ask for a retweet and a comment as an entry. It will help with engagement and thus boost your post's visibility. Don't ask for follows, they will follow if they are interested in your game. You don't want to artificially increase your follower count with people who won't engage with any future content.

Brand your Work

I make sure to add our logo to all of our videos and pictures, that way if someone shares our work outside of our social media someone will be able to find us easily by googling our logo name. You should keep the logo in the same position for every post you make. The more people see your logo the more they’ll start to recognize your content too! Maybe they won’t follow you straight away but the more they see your work pop up the more they might start to warm up to your game.


Set up a Discord! I was very nervous when I first set up our server, we were a new game and I was embarrassed by the thought of having an empty server, but we now have an active verified server of 3000 members!
Just make sure you actually talk in it yourself! I’ve found empty game servers where the community is clearly eager to chat but the developers never seem to respond. Get to know people and keep the chat going and you’ll slowly grow a nice community there, it’s up to you to build it.
The discord server has been a huge help in keeping the hype for the game-high. This will be the main hub for the most passionate part of your community, and you can also set up a bot to send your tweets to an announcement page for the server. I often find that if a post gets high engagements quickly, it will spread fast. I want to get as many people retweeting and sharing ASAP!
We often have comments from our audience that they appreciate that we are so easy to contact via our discord. Communication and being open is key! But don't forget to separate this from your home life. Set up a discord account for work and one for friends if you have to. Don't make your work seep into your time off. Yes, I said to take time off!


I’ve had a couple of people ask me about Patreon and if I would recommend it as a good funding platform. Personally, I’ve found Patreon great so far but make sure you have an audience first. Before I set up the Patreon I had several people ask where they could make a donation to help fund the game so I knew I had people who were willing to pledge the second I went live. It’s a great way to reward people for helping support the game.


Finally, one last part to consider. Luck is indeed a big factor. There are many occasions looking back at my game dev journey, where one small action would completely change the course of this game. I've worked hard but that I am incredibly lucky to be in the position I am now. Survival is the most important part of this business. Getting an indie off the ground isn't easy by any means, and even if you try your best you might not make it. I wish you all the best of luck in your game developer journey! If you have any questions please let me know.
- Katie
submitted by Kitmit13 to gamedev [link] [comments]

[Mobile Gaming] How the Nyan Cat led to the death knell for a popular mobile game- the downfall of RWBY Amity Arena.

Note: Many of the links are to the Amity Arena Library, a website devoted to the game which includes tracking the history of it through patchnotes and a running history of what cards entered and left the meta. Their website was a valuable resource for this post.
Mobile gaming has taken off like a wildfire since the advent of the smartphone boosted the average processing power a phone could carry. Initially it took the form of crossing over older, more easily runnable games onto the mobile market to... mixed success, but in recent years we've seen both the West and East use mobile gaming to replace the old fashioned movie tie in game. It's easily accessable, has a much wider reach than consoles or PC, you can take it on the go and standards are inherently lower for mobile games than they are a full 60 dollar game.
Since the 2010s, mobile gaming has shifted to what's called the "Freemium" module. The game itself is free to download and start playing, but is insideously designed with obnoxious paywalls or artificial limiters put in place to limit how much you can play each day. If the game is part of a pre-existing franchise, additional money can be made through a premium currency or a chance to obtain high-powered units by rolling a slot machine random chance mechanic. And thus, gacha gaming was born. This sub has had several threads in the past on high profile gacha games, such as the monolithic Fate Grand/Order, Pokemon Go or Genshin Impact. One of the more popular things to roll for in gachas as a consequence is wallpapers for your homescreen, especially for high-grade units as they're usually animated to move a little bit on the homescreen. Today we're looking a low to mid-tier gacha game that rose and fell with the advent of one catgirl. Let's talk RWBY.
RWBY is an online web anime made by Rooster Teeth focusing on four prospective monster hunters who get embroiled in a world-spanning shadow war. It's of debatable quality in matters of animation, combat, voice acting, story, worldbuilding, romance, and it's kind of a little racist if I'm being honest, but one of the major positives of RWBY is that the series tends to have good character design. Series creator Monty Oum set in the guidelines for the show while making it that most if not every design should be made to be cosplay friendly, hence why most of the outfits have things most costume designers haven't heard of like... pockets. And Rooster Teeth, above all else, likes making money. So they know people like RWBY's character designs, enough so that in 2017 plans were made to release a gacha game themed around RWBY called Amity Arena, which would be developed by Korean company NHN Entertainment.
Amity Arena is a PvP tower defense game. Each player controls two turrets and a tower and has three minutes to use units themed from the show to destroy the other player's structures. Whoever took out more wins, destroying a tower is an instant victory. When the game launched, it had three tiers for units- Common (generally held for mooks or low-tier characters in the show), Rare (roughly protagonist-level or elite mooks go here) and Epic (High tier characters usually with an active ability that did lots of damage or stopped enemies in their tracks). The game launched in October 2018 to generally positive reviews from both mobile game players and RWBY fans alike. Fans were happy to get a lot of new official art for the characters in the game and the base gameplay loop was fun. Criticism at the time was largely themed around the lack of content besides PVP matches and some issues with the meta but overall, the launch went well. Each month, the developers would add new units, including popular characters like Neopolitian, Cinder Fall, Zwei the dog, and more.
But everything changed with February 20th 2019, which introduced Neon Katt, the titular catgirl (RWBY characters are themed around fairytales, except for Neon, who is themed around Nyan Cat, and her partner Flynt Coal, who is themed off a potentially racist joke made by Rooster Teeth).
Neon is a character from RWBY Volume 3 who's part of a team that RWBY face during a tournament arc. Her partner, Flynt Coal, was part of the game at launch, and Neon would join him a few months later. Neon in the show is a cocky fighter who taunts the heroes and zips around on rollarskates, which in-game is represented by Neon skating towards the nearest enemy structure to her and hitting it, while all units within a radius of Neon are taunted and provoked into attacking her above all other targets unless they-selves are coded to hit structures. On its own, not a bad idea for a unit, but Neon came with four big caveats:
From the word go, Neon is an unpopular unit; she's clearly overbalanced and elements such as the Disco Bear glitch have players thinking she'll have to get knocked down in a nerf- she'll either be made slower, more expensive, or able to die pre-hitting a structure, right?
Neon doesn't show up in the next patch. Instead, before she's fixed, an entire new class of units called Legendaries are introduced, and this is where the game goes full gacha. Legendaries were meant to represent the highest tier characters in the game, the ones who were either the most popular characters or the highest-tier fighters in the show. Or in some cases, the popular ships such as combo cards for White Rose (Ruby/Weiss), Bumblebee (Blake/Yang) and Flower Power (Ren/Nora). Legendaries, representing their value, were impossibly rare and had an infinitely small chance of actually appearing (The most reliable method was to buy the premium chests and hope you'd roll a Legendary, which often cost tons of money), and if you did get one, there was no way to guess which Legendary you'd actually get. Some such as White Rose and Adam were high tier units, others like Hazel or Checkmate were... kinda broken at launch. The playerbase isn't happy at this, especially as free to play players are left out in the cold and reliant on the game giving them high tier units effectively out of pity.
Neon would get a small nerf in the April patch which lessened her taunt range and killed the Disco Bear meta, but her invincibility would be left untouched, even as players submitted feedback regarding how to make it more efficient. The official Amity Arena discord has a weekly feedback section on Tuesdays where players could submit up to four suggestions on how to nerf/buff units and general requests for quality of life such as "Can this character get a new skin from this part of the show," or "Can we have an option to lower music volume that's not just muting all music?" (they never did add that second request) Neon would then remain in this state until the November patch, despite constant weekly requests for a Neon rework, and all it would do is make Neon functionally mortal, in that she had a flat shield bar of 20 that would be lowered by one for each attack before the next hit would kill her. Neon could now die... but your chances of actually doing enough damage to stop her were slim, and regardless, you were now at a serious Aura defecit.
It took seven months for this one unit to get a substantial nerf, all while the game added new units every week and the number of units being affected by patches each month began to gradually sink. To round up some of the major issues people had with Amity that developed throughout 2019 alongside Neon's general existance making life hell:
Unfortunately, the Novemember patch did little to stop the problems with Neon, and a new problem would rear its head for Christmas: Jinn. This unit embodied many of the problems players had: She was a Legendary so it would be hard for free players to get her, and only added to the sheer number of Legendaries that were out there. She was another structure card, and she was horrifically broken. Stopping time for seven seconds in an area around any friendly units, Jinn broke the game overnight, with players horrified at how little playtesting she'd clearly had. Most chip units now couldn't damage structures as Jinn simply could stop time and freeze the turret for the duration of the attack. And to make matters worse? She cost two Aura, meaning it was very easy to cycle a deck and start Jinn spamming.
And yet at two aura she was still one of the only cost-efficient Neon counters... until they patched her to be worth three Aura instead. Talking of the feline menace, January saw Neon get a HP nerf that set her shield at 14. Finally, Neon could be realistically be taken out, still at an Aura defecit but at least it can be countered and now they just have to raise her Aura- why are you buffing her game?
Less than a month later, Neon got, of all things, a buff. Her HP shield was set at 20, and her attacks now did double damage. This is around the point where a lot of players begin to suspect the developers aren't listening to feedback and more long-term players dip out or drop the game. Neon got touched one more time in April, which slowed her down (which itself was a problem as Neon's lessened speed on spawn simply made her better at generating aggro), she dealt 10% less damage and made it somewhat easier to hit her enough to kill her, but a new problem was on the horizon. Because Neon was now no longer the game's White Whale for patches.
Meet the White Fang Gunner Barracks. Added in September 2019, the Barracks fell under many player's radar simply because they were horrifically undertuned. Their gimmick was that every few seconds, a White Fang Gunner would spawn, with three spawning on death. In April, as Neon got her last appearance in the patches, the Barracks got a huge buff and became the centerpiece of the meta; they now spawned two Gunners, which made them immensely valuable for just five Aura. You could overwhelm many anti-swarm units before they had a chance, and shred your way through turrets.
The Barracks would then go six months before this overtuning was rectified, barring one nerf in August that lowered their health to try and stem the tide of units. To sum up every other thing that went wrong during the year meta-wise:
As OctobeNovember comes in, the players are getting more and more furious. The weekly feedback includes a near constant demand for an acknowledgement from the developers given how often it feels like the feedback is being ignored. The social media team get caught several times hyping up how the coming patch would address player concerns, only for said patch to lack those units. The meta has been locked down to the Xiong Family, Flynt, Launcher Nora, Spider-Mines and the hell-cat herself in Neon. Everyone runs at least one of these, people run meta decks not because they want to, but because it's the only way to have a chance of victory.
And then in December, things implode. The patch for the month was set to launch on December 10th with the monthly event missions. But when the clock rolls around, the event missions (which usually take about two weeks to do if you're doing as many as you can a day)... has a six day timer. And the update doesn't come out. The art team doesn't release new unit art. The shop has no special timed bundles. There's no patch notes. And then the Twitter team who've been hard carrying the game through... actually talking to the players and acknowledging the grievances they have... admitted that they don't know what's going on either. The best guess is that the devs have come down with Covid, but no statements to confirm or deny this leave it as guesswork. The timer eventually got reset and people could do the event, but then on Christmas itself, another issue.
Ruby has appeared in the plaza on Halloween (her canonical birthday) and Christmas, and if you go talk to her you get free stuff. But on Christmas people, people discovered that Ruby was talking as if you'd already talked to her. Because they hadn't updated Ruby yet for 2020. She still thought it was 2019 so if you'd talked to her then for goodies, she had none now. They patched it eventually but a lot of people didn't see this fix before the timer ran out to get the free stuff.
Some have resorted to memes to cope with the fact that the game just seems to have died out of the blue. Others have been trying to desperately rally the players and find a way to save it. Some resorted to friendly mockery of the whales who'd spent thousands on a game that seems to be dying (seriously though gacha games need to curb this shit but they won't because whales are godsends for their bank balances).
If the game doesn't get an update in January then two months without new content will mark the end, and the already significant playercount drops will only increase. And it's hard to say if any one thing could have turned Amity Arena's fate around beyond just "Have a better balancing team who can respond better to feedback." Neon began the time of death, but by the time December rolled around the meta was in a horrifically toxic place where if you wanted to make any progession, you had to get down and dirty with the pigs. The team just constantly failed to balance problem units outside of their emergency hotfixes of Jinn, and more often then not they went after units and buffed or nerfed them at random going off playcounts to determine what needed fixing instead of the actual written feedback they were getting. It's clear from the references to the show and some of the attempts to reach out to the community that at least one person in the team genuinely wanted to make the good appealing to RWBY fans, but somewhere during the game's lifespan, they lost their way. Less focus needed to be put on how to milk the players, and instead focusing on making a game sustainable and enjoyable enough to warrant the cosmetics and emotes. The game's failure ultimately isn't on the playerbase. It's on the people who were actually making the game who chose to slack off because they thought it acceptable to do so.
Thanks for reading.
Had I waited one more day, my story would have had a far more sudden ending, as the game just announced its shutdown for January.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

Join us on Discord! It's a fun, always active music community based around and an opportunity to be sociable with other users. Over 5,000 users!

Come and join the thriving community on Discord! It's a partnered Discord music discussion server based around, and the best way to be social and interactive with Join here: Discord is affiliated with lastfm (the very subreddit you're reading!) and has grown to become a bustling, constantly active music community with over 5,500 members and frequently over 30,000 human messages per day.
The community is open genre, meaning all genres and styles of music are welcome and are regularly a topic of conversation! Our eclectic userbase is sure to share your passions, be it for alternative, metal, hip-hop, K-Pop, jazz, ambient, classical, EDM, shoegaze, experimental, pop, bubblegum bass, or something else entirely! We have dedicated genre communities, from a K-Pop fandom to an elitism-free metal channel, so you're sure to find someone that's into exactly what you're into.
Our users range in age from their teens to older adult, with members from around the globe. We have various flavours of main channel, and aim to be a drama-free, anti-shitpost environment that's staffed in a laidback way, but with a moderator never far away if there's a need to step in.
Our major channels include our general channel where people discuss music,, and anything else that's on their mind, a channel with no limit on bot commands that has a rapid fire, fast-paced chat atmosphere 24 hours a day, and our popular lounge, a place with a more mature, laidback vibe.
We have two bots, including our server-exclusive "Who Knows?" bot. These bots can show your now playing, compare your tastes with other users, tell you who's scrobbled an artist, display statistics from your account, look up artists, generate charts, and more. Our exclusive bot comes with two games: A game where you win crowns when you have the most scrobbles of an artist on the server, and an artist name guessing game. The crowns game, the most competitive iteration on all of Discord, is especially addictive!
We also regular events, including a weekly collaborative playlist, which runs every Monday. There's also spot collaborative playlists, occasional telephone games, and listening parties where our users listen to albums collaboratively. Our various genre channels also run events specificially focused on those areas. We have a high degree of cameraderie, including a quotes channel and a variety of server memes you're sure to learn about once you're involved.
We've also got genre-dedicated channels covering almost every style of music, a hub for script and app developers, a games channel, a user leaderboard, a small merch and vinyl fandom, a user-curated new releases feed, and more!
As a large server, there's always something going on, and there's something for everyone. You can spend your time in our busy main channels, or if you don't like your communities to be too big, you can exist in the genre channels alone and get that small server feel. We also have a lounge that's explicitly geared toward our more mature users, with an even lower tolerance for low-quality posting. Discord isn't officially run by, but we do have a staff presence, and they keep an eye on trends and opinions within the server. The server owner is a moderator and often passes on feedback to the team, who have been known to drop in themselves as well.
You can join Discord at this link:
(Unfamiliar with Discord? It's an application, available across platforms, that works like a chat room, based around instant chat in servers and channels. Think a modern version of IRC. It started out as a gaming thing, but it's increasingly popular for non-gaming topics, and worth checking out!)
submitted by KatyBlackwood to lastfm [link] [comments]

Season 5 Community Info: Discussion threads, watch parties and events, spoiler rules, and more!

The Expanse returned with Season 5 on December 16th! This sticky contains the latest information and links to our discussion threads, and keep being updated as the season progresses. Please read to the bottom, especially the spoiler and flair rules, before making any Season 5 posts.
Episode-By-Episode Discussion Information
We are looking forward to having live episode discussion threads again! Each episode will have 2 official threads: One that allows all show spoilers up to the current but no book spoilers whatsoever, for those who only watch the show, and one that allows all show spoilers up to the current episode, and free discussion of book spoilers. We will open the threads for each episode when the episode is released on Amazon. Links to all the episode threads will activate here!
(On mobile? You may need to click the arrow to show the table here.)
Date and Time Thread Without Book Spoilers Thread With Book Spoilers
12/16/2020, 01:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 501: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 501: With Book Spoilers
12/16/2020, 02:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 502: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 502: With Book Spoilers
12/16/2020, 03:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 503: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 503: With Book Spoilers
12/23/2020, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 504: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 504: With Book Spoilers
12/30/2020, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 505: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 505: With Book Spoilers
01/06/2021, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 506: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 506: With Book Spoilers
01/13/2021, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 507: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 507: With Book Spoilers
01/20/2021, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 508: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 508: With Book Spoilers
01/27/2021, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 509: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 509: With Book Spoilers
02/03/2021, 00:00UTC Official Discussion Thread 510: No Book Spoilers Official Discussion Thread 510: With Book Spoilers
Season 5 Books-To-Show Discussion (Spoilers Through Nemesis Games)
Episode Release Time Information
Amazon released the first 3 episodes of Season 5 together on Wednesday, December 16th. After that, one episode is released each Wednesday through the season finale (Episode 10) on February 3rd. Episodes arrive at midnight UTC time, which is late Tuesday night / early Wednesday morning if you live in Europe and Tuesday evening if you live in the Americas.
As of this writing, we don't yet know what time precisely each episode will become available online. We've done significant research on past Amazon shows, and the data point to episodes most likely being released at midnight UTC, with individuals' Prime accounts possibly taking some time to receive the update. We are making plans as if that will be the case, and will update them as we find out more.
Note: All the event times we reference here will be given in UTC to avoid confusion. You can find every event we reference here on the community Google Calendar. Click the +Google Calendar button in the lower-right corner to subscribe to the calendar, and then view it in your own calendar to see the events in your own time zone. For example, if you are in the Americas, watch parties in the early hours on Wednesdays UTC will be on Tuesday evenings on your home clock.
Plans for Season 5 Premiere Week
Watch Party Information
We've really been enjoying watching together using Amazon's Watch Parties feature. With the new season, we will have watch parties, with quick text chat available on Discord as well as longer discussion in our discussion threads. Our watch parties will follow the same schedule as our discussion threads. We will post the current watch party link in the discussion thread, on Discord, and on the big Watch Parties document. (This document is also easily found at bit [dot] ly [slash] ExpanseWatchParties to make it easy to remember, but Reddit often marks posts with link shortening as spam so I won't link it directly.) Because the Watch Parties chat interface is so very limited, we recommend hiding it and doing your discussion on Reddit or Discord.
Update: By popular demand on Discord, we're adding watch parties on Saturdays as well, so people can watch once alone and then once with a group if they'd like to.
Flair & Spoiler Rules & Reminders
In order to be kind to fellow fans who can't watch on our schedule or are waiting until February to binge, please be extra thoughtful with the flair and spoiler systems for Season 5.
See you soon for another season's adventure!
submitted by it-reaches-out to TheExpanse [link] [comments]

Weekend Rabble | Issue 3 | SPECIAL EDITION

Interview with Yankee Doodle Dickwad

One of the largest and most popular justices and members overall in this community, this chap has done plenty for our entertainment. We interviewed him after a leisurely discussion in the KarmaCourt Chat Booth. This interview also contains some several insider details some people asked.
If available, or if you remember, what did you do in KarmaCourt previous to your modship?
Oh well those were the days. That was back in 2012. I came in as rabble, then as attorney. Back then the humour was strong and the fun was big. The irony had not set in, and everybody realized that a serious approach to any legal question about karma was total horseshit. Getting sidetracked was rife. Pomposity was in. Girls were swooning, or they would if they had been there. Attorneys were short, sharp and shocking. Some were tall. You can't tell online. But they knew how to make a fake trial. My career rocketed. Prosecution became defense, attorney turned to judging. Free parking. Dental plan. Suddenly I was promoted to Justice out of the blue. Then I started padding the place out. Amongst the scandals, and occasional attempt at hostile take over, I redesigned the css, redesigned KarmacourtBLog, rewrote the Constitution, redesigned the KC Bar Exam, made the bots, animated the logo, rewrote the wiki, made some fab css for some fab attorney firms, got pissed off and quit. Then I came back as official unofficial boss of the place and have stayed in the big chair ever since. Might have quit again at some point, it doesn't matter.
What is one thing most users of this subreddit forget, or what rule is most often broken?
Well, let's see. Humour. Humour is important and hard to quantify. I think I can safely say that 75% of the time THAT ISN'T FUCKING FUNNY. Guys, for real. Cases about people being annoyed at mods for being banned is just dull as dishwater. So dull. So unfunny. Most of the time the mod is a prat but the user is an asshole, or the other way around. It goes nowhere, comes from from nothing but bitterness, and translates not at all into a satirical delivery. This has to stop. Rules might have to be made. It used to be reposts. Then cases about reposts were banned. Then we allowed them again, but with a statute of limitations of 21 days for reposts. People stopped boring us with reposts for some time. But this "I got wrongfully banned" bs is no fun at all. Then there is the issue of serious attorneying. No, no no, there can be no serious attorneying. I understand the tamptation, and you can dance around the line, but it is not about actually defending stuff seriously. The plaintiff must not want to particularly win a case, and the attorney for the prosecution must double not want to win. We are here to be silly, over the top, stylish in our inadequacies, aloof to legalese, mostly disfunctional. Witty. Remember witty? Wit. Where is the wit? I know, right?
Has complacency ever been a problem as a justice? Were there any times you were unaware of a major problem in the community? Do you keep a more conservative approach on implementing new ideas in the community, or do you favor change?
Listen you little shit, I can snap that press badge off you as soon as I could spit oh ... is this on? ... oh ... hahaha HA HAHA HA. Ahem. So you are asking if the establishment is conservative in its outlook? Well, yes, at times it might seem that way. Look, karmacourt only just works as a concept. It has to be kept on the correct side of two or three different lines, and it can easily stray into boring OCD exhibitionism and true belief in legal relief. The community makes the place, but only if we herd them. It's like a restaurant. The clients make the place, but they can stick their ideas for new dishes up their ass. If they bring a poster or a potted plant in for us to put on the wall, we almost definitely won't. And if they want to become chef it won't be because they like the bathrooms. They'd have to follow the restaurant's mission, not their own. If they are good, really good, then they can start bending things. But that takes a while and happens only every few years. So what does that mean? Well, we want the people to make the place, and we'll let them get on with it, but if it strays from The Mission, it can die. And then we will whinge and cry and pound our little fists on the table. In the last couple of years, we have let the place grow organically, and the people have come. We thought they finally understood. The madness of that orange guy in politics made people see the mad side of Justice, and suddenly they all got the point. But the regulars settled in, and started painting the place in their image. And not all of them got it right, but some of those ones that haven't quite found the lines do type a lot and so the place is in need of some cleansing. The Justices are guilty of allowing it to veer too far to the side. We need to get the place back on course. If there's Wit, the Glove will Fit. May Lady Justice have mercy on our souls.
Have you ever enjoyed spectating cases posted in the court? Do you find cases these days entertaining or interesting?
I used to enjoy it, back in the day when the vibe was different. These days the art is not easy to find and we've let the place evolve by itself. Probably too much. If I want to enjoy it, I have to participate, and help shape it. Fact. Same for lurkers. Come on in, shape the place.
What do justices typically do on a daily basis? Are there any problems you are currently tackling as of now?
Not much. We use the Playstation a lot, we keep the refrigerator stocked up, we ban asshole hate speach and beggers of karma, keep Ineededtosaythishere's straight jacket cool and well locked, and answer Niviso's questions more often than not. Not always. I haven't judged or been an attorney for a case in eons. Gotta get back in the hot seat.
Was first becoming a justice different then your expectations? How did they differ, if so?
When I first became a justice the original crew was still here, and the place was festering. I dove right in and warped the place, through trial and conflict, until it was sharp and about ready to take off, with a team that could handle it. Not deliberately. We tried a few things out. But then we hit it and it worked. So I guess I didn't have many expectations when I got here, except to make it work. The least expected bit was after the revolutionary wars of 2013-2014 the old crew fucked off after finishing college and I got given the golden gavel and power of death over all and sundry. The gavel's in the garage.
What are some of the most challenging or demanding aspects of being a justice?
Not telling complete morons to fuck off. But you get used to it. After that, it's just fending off movie deals until one comes along with the right script writer. No writer, no shine. Fact.
What are the primary reasons posts are removed?
Completely ignoring title and case format (just a tiny effort is required, not much), begging for karma and not being at all funny. We don't do enough of the last one.
What is some advice you'd like to give to the new members of the subreddit?
Watch Judge Judy, watch Law and Order and latest legal series, Watch South Park, watch "Yes, Prime Minster", bang your head hard against a soft wall and type.

Interview With HTG_249

To what do you attribute your success?
I attribute my success in this court to the sense of justice and ethical behavior instilled in me by my idol and the protagonist from the 25 years old anime "Detective Conan", he is the Great Detective of the East Shinichi Kudo who encouraged me to fight for and serve justice to the innocent.
How did you find out about KarmaCourt, and what was it like starting out?
I was browsing through Reddit one day and got across a repost and in the comment section was the person who originally posted that crying out helpless. Someone in response to him told him that he can go to KarmaCourt and ask for justice. I then visited this kourt and got a gist of how this place works. It was nice starting out in here, I read the konstitution and the wiki and found it a nice place to work at. Within an hour of visiting the kourt I earned my bar certification and within a week after that I judged my first contempt of kourt case.
How do you feel about the kourt's landscape of today?
The current landscape of the kourt makes me feel satisfied that the kourt is moving towards a path of recovery towards its former glory, thanks to the efforts of Niviso, Physical_Flatworm512, AlfonzoLinguini, Heinrik and multiple others. I feel this because in the past couple of months the kourt was facing a disaster because the judges weren't taking their jobs seriously and were turning great trials into disasters. Thanks to Niviso and team for organizing the Karma Court Awards to instill a competetive spirit amongst the kourt members.
What was you best case, in your opinion?
My best case in my opinion is the u/PhlippyG v/s u/YoulouJamaa case. It made me feel the condition of the plaintiff and the defendant's approach. Eventually, I gave out an exemplary verdict in that case. I had to spend 3 hours writing that verdict when construction work was going on in my house.

New Discord Server Makes a Bustle in Kourt

As many readers may know, we have set up a discord server last saturday. A throwback to past years, droves of popular attorneys, judges, and rabblers have made an appearence in the many channels. Our music bot and voice chats serve as a popular lounge and breakroom for all kinds of kourtees.
The brainchild of many of the Reddit Chat users in this kourt, the server has Connect 4, a seperate case archive project, and a quickly growing userbase of popular kourtees.

A New Generation of Members Coming Soon

Let's face it, the kourt has had serious decline with members and enthusiasn, as many veterans have left the kourts to pursue other interests. Less and less satire cases are being produced, higher not guilty rates then ever, and more and more repetitive content also contribute. However, it may not all be gloom and doom for the kourts.
We have seen many more new members come into the courts as volunteers over the past few weeks. We have also had much more cases, although not satirical, being produced. This is overall a good thing and it could help turn the decline around.

Archive Project

Recently, a group of stenographers and volunteers have worked on an Archivery Department for KarmaCourt. The Discord-Based archivery has no content yet, but is gathering members and resources in planning to do so. Once created, the archivery will show "Great use to KarmaCourt users in case history".
Although the archivery has been experiencing minor problems as they are setting up, it appears the Archivery is going to be set up and ready in a few weeks.

Niviso Helps Ya

.. .- / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ... --- --- -. / - .- -.- . / --- ...- . .-. / - .... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. / .- -. -.. / .-.. . .- -.. / - --- / --- ..- .-. / --- .-- -. / ... .--. . -.-. .. . ... / --- -... .-.. .. ...- .. --- -. --..-- .- ... / ..-. .- .-. / .- ... / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / - . .-.. .-.. / - .... .. ... / ... - .- - . -- . -. - / .-- .- ... / -.-. .-. . .- - . -.. / -... -.-- / .- / .... ..- -- .- -. / -... . .. -. --. --..-- / -... ..- - / .- .-. . / -.-- --- ..- / ... ..- .-. . / --- ..-. / - .... .- - ..--.. / -.-- --- ..- / -.-. .- -. / -. . ...- . .-. / ..-. ..- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -... . --..-- / .. -- / ... ..- .-. . / - .... .- - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .--. .... --- -. . / -.-. . .-.. .-.. .--. .... --- -. . / .--- .- -.-. -.- / .. ... / .... . .-.. .-.. .- / ... . -..- -.-- / - .... --- ..- --. .... --..-- / -- .- -.-. .... .. -. . ... / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ... --- --- -. / -... . / .-- --- .-. .-.. -.. ... / -. . .-- / .-. ..- .-.. . .-. ... / .- -. -.. / .-- . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / ... - .- .-. - / -... .-. . . -.. .. -. --. / --- ..- .-. / -... .- -... -.-- / -.-. .- .-.. -.-. ..- .-.. .- - --- .-. ... / - .... .-. --- ..- --. .... / -.-- --- ..- .-. / .- -. ..- ... . ... .-.-.-
KDA_LAW! Ever heard of it? Well that makes NO SENSE!
Khan, Davros and Associates, a firm created this year by a certain u/The-Daleks is coming into the spotlight recently. Although with currently only a single member, they do a fantastic job, particularly in prosecution and judgement delivery.
u/The-Daleks himself is an individual that has threatened a bartender to give him some antifreeze. A strong quality seen in a tough prosecutor. Sources tell us that setting him on fire is unwise.
With his call to “”EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!!!! EXTERMINAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!!!!”” his enemies, u/The-DAleks and his up and coming firm is competition for others to watch out for.
submitted by Ohlookadragon1 to KarmaCourtBlog [link] [comments]

[Follow-up] Here's What I Did To (Seemingly) Experience Sudden Channel Growth

Hi everyone,
About 3 months ago, I posted this thread discussing what I did to get a sudden growth spurt of 33 to 170 subs in just 2 weeks. As I'm now at over 2100 subs, with an average 28 day gain of ~630 subs, I thought I'd follow-up on it to help spread new knowledge I've picked-up.
Here are some of the things I've done since that last post, ranked in no particular order:

1 - I Still Do Everything From My First Post

First thing's first, I didn't change a thing in my original post. So if you haven't read it, be sure to do so! I'm constantly looking into improvements on my channel, tweaking the tags I use, make sure to release on roughly the same schedule, engage with my audience in the comments, etc.
I do want to point out that I'm constantly tweaking my thumbnails to see what generates a better CTR. About once every 2 weeks I change something major about them and try it out for a week. If it works I stick with it, if not I revert. This last week I changed the font from Impact to another font I found off DaFont. That being literally the only adjustment I made and the videos I released are my fastest growing of all time, so it's safe to say I'm sticking with it.

2 - I Made A Discord

When I hit 350 subscribers, I put together a Discord server. Chatting with YouTube comments helps, but I wanted to foster a place for my most loyal subscribers. So, I made sure to advertise it in every video for the first month, and then just left it in the description. I've currently got 160 users in it, which represents 7.6% of my YouTube subscribers, and I make sure to constantly engage with people here. Not only that, but via the bot MEE6 I have it announce whenever I have a new video. This almost immediately pushes the video to over 100 views in the first 10 minutes, which is something the YouTube algorithm loves.

3 - I Made A Patreon

Yes, really. Even though I gained 4 patrons when I announced it and none since, the first tier gets all of these patrons added to the end card of my videos. That little bit of social proof goes a long ways towards making your small channel look just that much more credible. I also include tiers for early video releases and other perks in order to incentive a little bit more income from it for those that want the perks.

4 - Researched My Competition

And I truly mean researched. There are four total people in my niche at under 10k subs, and 3 above 100k (oddly haven't found anyone in between). I'm checking all of their accounts on socialblade every other day to see if they had a video take off, then seeing if I can spot what they did to maybe cause that (change in video structure, title, thumbnail, or just a hot button story). If I can, I try replicating what they did, but with placing my own spin on it.

5 - Reinvested My Early Adsense Checks

Chances are your first few adsense checks aren't going to be a ton of money. And unless YouTube is your only job, they aren't going to impact your monthly take home. So why not reinvest them into your channel?
I run a voice over channel and spent my first two checks on converting my closet into a voice over booth and getting a decent XLR mic + recorder. This easily improved my audio quality by 10x as I went from having audible echo's in every video, to incredibly crisp audio. I can't go back and watch my older videos anymore because it's so painfully obvious, lol. I also subscribed to Storyblocks for a wealth of royalty free music and sound effects to use in my videos.
I'm now using December's check to hire an artist to redesign my channel header, and hire another artist to create some animated backgrounds for my videos so I can avoid stock videos.
The best part? Because I reinvested 100% of my YouTube royalties in 2020, I can effectively write it all off as a business expense and pay no taxes, so it's basically free money if you exclude the time I spent making the videos. Though consult with an accountant before doing this yourself as I'm not liable if you mess-up.

6 - I'm Always Looking To Make My Videos Better

This is a tip I read a few months ago that has stuck with me: make sure every video you release does something a little better than the last one.
Yes this is basically the same point as point 6 from my original post (even being point 6 of this post too, lol), but if there's anything you take away from this post it should be this point. You see, viewers will subconsciously (or consciously if it's glaring enough) judge your videos quality. So by improving a little bit with every video, you'll eventually reach a point whereby you pass the subconscious quality check and people stick around. Like Thanos, it's a literal inevitability.
And for those that say there's literally nothing to improve, trust me, you're wrong. No film director or producer thinks they've got nothing else to learn. In my opinion, Schindler's List is a perfect film, but you still see Steven Spielberg experimenting.
And for those that say they release too many videos and that this is too hard to do, trust me, you still can. I release 3 videos a week and every video has a little improvement here or there.

7 - Community Post Once A Week When Unlocked (New - Added ~12 Hours After Post Created)

Once you unlock community posts at 1,000 subs, try and post something at least once a week. You never know when one of these will blow up, plus it keeps eyes on your channel.
Alright, that's my TED Talk. Got questions? Throw them into the comments and I'll gladly answer as many as I can!
submitted by dmxell to NewTubers [link] [comments]

Looking back on a year of Nano development - Presented by NanoLinks

I think this list speaks for itself. Thank you for this year Nano community and see you in 2021 for even more fun! We are only getting started 🚀

submitted by Joohansson to nanocurrency [link] [comments]

Let's talk about rules. Or, talk to me about how you feel about rules.

Hey y'all, your least favorite mod here and I wanna talk about rules and the ~ViBe~
So far the rules of this subreddit have operated on some general guidelines.
But I want to gauge the temperature on how it's going, and open the floor to thoughts. Feel free to mention anything, but I have some questions. It's no secret I take a lot ques from other music subs when it comes to the rules (I'm a big fan of this particular bot). Most of the rules here exist because either a lot of users voiced a general complaint, or some active members posted specific complaints that seem logical.
How do you guys feel about performance videos? We ban posting your own music, because obviously. We ban posting a recording of ableton playing back your own music, because that's still just self promo. Performance videos, to me, also feel like self promo. Most people don't actually generate a discussion about their performance, and when others come in to chat they typically just say "good content bro" and OP replies "thanks bro", and nothing else. That kind of content seems shallow and uninteresting to me, especially when I can go find that stuff on youtube if I really wanted to see that.
Another thing that's been on my mind is something someone once said to me. "When you make a community around a tool instead of art, it becomes IT." Having been here for a minute, it does feel like IT, and I wish it felt more like art. Do you guys have any ideas on how to swing it more back to art? Is this an ironic paragraph after saying I don't like people's spam? (Yes, yes it is).
What else?
We do have spaces for both of these things. The weekly thread (when I remember to post it) for posting your tunes is the perfect place to post your songs, screen recordings, performances. The friday thread (when I remember to post it) is kind of no rules. You wanna shoot the shit? Post some memes? Talk about your day? You can dump all that in the friday thread. Also /madewithableton is all about that biz.
Surprisingly, the best discussions about Ableton are going on in our discord.
That's all I got for now. How's it going? Don't mind me if I keep coming back to your comments, I'm gonna let this sink in over time.
P.S. Black Lives Still matter, but the thread may temporarily go away at times so I'll put links to it in at least one of the . This is not the thread (hell, subreddit) to debate if Black Lives Matter, don't try it. Why do we care? Because Ableton cares.
P.P.S. Can I also just say, speaking of ideal content, peaks_of_valleys video discussing panning in Analog is dope and I like it and we should all strive to be as good at content as they are.
P.P.P.S. There's an automod bot an older mod programmed at work here. Report posts that break the rules, they will go away.
submitted by kidkolumbo to ableton [link] [comments]

An update on the /r/lofihouse subreddit

Hello /lofihouse!

Exciting news on the horizon for the community!
For the last ~6 months the previous top mod (harrywilde) has sadly been inactive, which has blocked me from accessing all of the moderator tools that can can help a subreddit to run like a proper subreddit can, and should, be run. Yesterday however, this changed - Thanks to the great team over on /redditrequest.
I have now become the top mod of the subreddit, which means I have the permissions needed to automate a big part of the moderating process, as well as freeing up time for bigger and more interesting projects for the community. My number 1 goal is to make this great community grow, and make the subreddit experience into the best it can be. To do this, I have invited 2 new moderators - bobbertlight, who you may have already seen running the monthly Sample Flip Challenge threads, and Improvlad, who's also already been a huge help in managing and setting up the /lofihouse Discord server. They have both been extremely helpful over the past year, and they have my, as well as hopefully yours, full trust and support. Welcome aboard!

What's next for /lofihouse?

[/lofihouse Original track playlist]

I will keep running and updating the [/lofihouse Original track playlist] threads regularly. Since I don't always have the time to check out you guys's great submissions at the time of submitting, it's been a really great way for me to catch up on the dope stuff the community has made over the month - I'm hoping this is the same for you, as well. Hopefully with this change I can automate atleast a part of the process, which means they should be updated more regularly throughout the month, instead of at the 1st of the month like I do now.

[/lofihouse Sample flip challanges]

Same as with the [/lofihouse Original track playlist], these are going to be continuing with the help of bobberlight and improvlad. I've been pretty hands off with this project due to time restraints, but I really love what it brings to the community - as well as the great tracks that have come out of it. If you haven't already, check out the submissions and participate, it's a lot of fun!

[/lofihouse beat breadown]

This is a brand new project that is not quite ready to reveal, but should hopefully be a very cool and informational. Stay tuned for more news on this!

[The /Lofihouse wiki]

The /lofihouse Wiki has been made! It will serve as a place to start for newcomers, as well as a way to easily stay updated on the different projects going on, such as an overview over the monthly threads, any new projects that are in the works etc. It will also serve as a place for clearly defining the set of rules that keep the sub relevant and clean.

[New rules for the subreddit]

As per the request from the community, I'm proud to announce that submitting lofi hiphop (or other unrelated genres) tracks to the subreddit is now a bannable offense! Like I've previously stated, I have no interest in playing dictator over this subreddit, and prefer to keep it democratically moderated - but now that I have the abillity to ban spam-bots, unrelated posts etc. I will have no issue with doing so. Therefore, posting unrelated genres to this subreddit will result in the following:
1st time = removal of the submission with an explenation for why.
2nd time = 7 day ban
3rd time = permanent ban
There will ofcourse be a path to getting the ban lifted, and as with everything on this subreddit it's open to discourse and change, depending on how the community feels about it. If you think any rules should be added/removed or changed - Feel free to submit a discussion thread on the matter, and we (the mod team) will be sure to listen and act accordingly.


I want to thank everyone for being a part of this great community, centered around the best music genre there is. Keep filling up my likes and playlists, I appreciate it!
and also, harrywilde, if you ever become active on this sub again, reach out to me. Would love to get you on board again!
EDIT: Automoderator is currently set up to remind everyone that if you post an "original track" or an "Original mix", and flair it as such, I would appreciate it if you could post the links to the other services you've posted that track/mix to, so that I can add them to their respective playlists as easily as possible.
As I get everything set up, you might see a couple of test posts. Please pay these no mind, they will be deleted as we get everything working correctly.
Also, I've cleaned up the modqueue, and removed everything that got caught. As such, if you find that a post of yours has been deleted, I'm sorry - but there was hundreds of posts spanning 2 years. Feel free to post them again! This also means that the modqueue is clean and ready to use - So if you find something that doesn't belong on this subreddit, please don't forget to report the posts! That way we get notified and can act as fast as possible.
submitted by ToBetterMorrow to lofihouse [link] [comments]

Monthly Meta Post for October 2020

Welcome to the Monthly Meta Post for October. These monthly posts are a way to meet some of our mods, and will hopefully let you get to know us better. We will make this a regular thing.
I’m Yandere, you might have seen me killing your posts in new (or hot). You can talk to me pretty much any time on our Discord server if you want, though most people I talk to tend to not talk to me after one conversation.

Items to address:
When you submit a report, we look to determine if we have to take action. This is typically approval or removal of a post or comment. Presented below is the number of mod actions for the month of October.
Human Mod Actions: 24370

About /all: Recently a post went viral about us being included in /all. This is an important topic and we will be making a separate post about it. Ironically that post made it to /all and is currently our top post in our sub of all time. We have read through the comments, good and bad. Please give us time to address it with the attention that it deserves. We also can't pin more than 2 posts at the same time, so we can't pin anymore posts for the next few days.

We updated our wiki to Include a number of things: an explanation of our rules, FAQ, tutorial for making memes, and our mod bios. You can find our wiki index Here.
Some pages on the wiki are a work in progress (especially the FAQ) and more pages will be added in the future.

Additions to the Discord mod team:
-Kamina_Aniki #9574
-Level #9409
-Rimuru #0657

Additions to the Subreddit team:

Three mods have left, we wish them the best:

Restructuring of the Mod Team We’ve also overhauled our moderation structure to ensure better cohesion between our mod team going forwards. The new structure is as follows:
-u/TehEchtifier - Head Mod
-u/ShitLordStu - Vice Mod
This may not seem like a big change, but it really is. We hope it will Improve our decision making abilities. This way, any major decisions are made and approved by at minimum two people, if not the majority of the team. Hopefully it will also make our discussion about the future of the sub a bit more civil.

We wanted to thank everyone who entered into our Spoopy Contest. Looking through all your submissions was great. We hope to see you again for our next event.
We’re curious what events you would want in the future and how we should execute them so please let us know if you have any thoughts.
We will post a separate post for the event, where we will announce the winners.

Vote results:
We had two votes this past month for flairs, rules and post limits.
Flair vote
Post limit and rule changes

How will these changes affect the Subreddit?
Global Repost flair:
The “Global Repost” flair will signal when a meme was already posted in another Subreddit.
Basically when the OP didn't make the meme, it should get flaired as such.
If you post a meme which you didn't make and don't flair it as a Global Repost,
your meme may be deleted under Rule 10 (Flair Accordingly)

Sub Fanart flair:
Fanart about the Subreddit or the Subreddit mascots. If you do a Fanart which is also a meme, you are free to decide which one of the flairs you want.

OC art: Has to be from the OP and be related to Weeb culture. Just like the Sub Fanart flair. This is different from a meme and would include drawings, 3d media etc.

Post limit:
You will only be able to post 5 posts in the duration of 24 hours. If you post more than 5 posts in 24 hours, any posts after the fifth one will be automatically removed.

Rule changes:

"Rule 1:
Memes have to be related to weeb culture. We only allow posts that are related to weeb culture, with the exception of original art (which has to be anime related)."
We know “weeb culture” is a broad term and that's exactly the reason we choose it. We continue to allow RWBY, Avatar, Shelter, Castlevania and every show that has an “anime style” to it or is considered “weeb culture”.
The same goes for the original art, we don't only allow japanese anime.

"Rule 2:
No unedited Media"
should be self-explanatory.
No more Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, etc.. screenshots. We have one user making original tweets as art, these will we continue to allow.

Rule 4:
We didn't change anything about this Rule, except removing “No animemes “war” posts.”
Of course they are still not allowed, but we think that this already falls under
“No brigading or harassing.”

Rule 5:
See “Global Repost flair” above

Rule 6:
This means we will enforce the “No karma whoring” rule more firmly. And no, it doesn't matter if you did it intentionally or not.

Rule 7:
This Rule just means that you are not allowed to advertise any Subreddit or Websites. However if someone asks where you can find more fanart about a specific character or anything like that, that's totally fine and doesn't count as advertising. It depends on the context.

Rule 10:
We will enforce this rule a lot harder now, if we see a NSFW, Petition or a reposted post which is not flaired as such, we will not change it for the users anymore but remove it.

Image/repost/limit bots:
As you may have noticed, we are currently running four bots. MAGIC_EYE_BOT, RepostSleuthBot, moderatelyhelpfulbot and Automoderator. Each of these bots serve a different purpose.
MAGIC_EYE_BOT - searches our sub for duplicate image posts and removes them when found. If you respond to a comment from this bot, it will alert the mods with a report to investigate further.
RepostSleuthBot - searches reddit globally for reposts.
moderatelyhelpfulbot - Our latest bot is helping us enforce our 5 posts a day policy. Day meaning a 24 hour period. This will prevent posting 5 memes at 11:59 PM and posting 5 more at 12:01 AM.
Automoderator - has several jobs. Automod will report or remove posts based on certain keywords and other routine tasks.

Questions we have to the community:
We have heard from several people that we have too many votes, while also hearing that we do not have enough votes. We want to hear from you. What are your thoughts about the quantity of votes in the subreddit?
We know that we don't always do a good job, so we would love to hear what sort of changes you would like to see to improve the Subreddit, we want to do our best to represent our community.

We will have another vote on the rules after getting so much Feedback from the last one. You can expect votes in every coming Meta post as we and the community will probably never be satisfied with the rules.
What would these Rules change?
Rule 1:
It's just rewording “anime related” to “related to weeb culture”. Nothing would change if the rule gets through, we just made a mistake in writing this rule.
Rule 2:
Unsubstantial edits will now be removed: In the past we had troubles with posts that were only slightly edited like slightly speeding up a clip of an anime, a clip of someone/thing dancing with anime music, just mentioning the word anime or cropping an image of a manga but slightly cropped.
Rule 7:
Every comment whose only purpose is to advertise will be removed, this does not mean that you can't recommend Subreddits to other people. But the context needs to be there and justified.
Reaction memes:
We had a lot of complaints over them so we will do a community vote about it.
We will close the vote after a week and enforce it immediately.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the vote you can always ask a moderator.

What we ask from the community:
We were asked from multiple Subreddits to tell our users to stop the brigading of their subs. We do not condone any kind of harassment or trolling of other subreddits. If we receive any evidence of users brigading, they will be warned, temp-banned or perma banned depending on the severity of the brigading. This doesn't only apply to anime Subreddits but all Subreddits, don't post pictures of Paimon in Food or other stuff. Even as a joke. This will get you banned immediately.


Waifu Wednesday is not every week but the first Wednesday every month. November 4th for next month and December 2nd for the following.
Reporting Reposts:
It is difficult to do anything if we don't have the link to the original post. Please only report a meme for being a repost when you, or someone else in the comments, has the source.
English: Please put your memes and titles in English, it’s a common language between our moderators and they can’t moderate what they can’t read. Much appreciated.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk:
-YandereTsundere and the ghey mod team
submitted by YandereTsundere to goodanimemes [link] [comments]

StoryFire won't be the end. It was an experiment. I have ideas for Jesse's next website, while having final criticisms StoryFire. StoryFire was nothing more than a learning experience.

Now, I want to say that I am a day one supporter of StoryFire. I have been with it for 4 1/2 years, but I had to drop out after the marketing push because StoryFire's quality of life has severely declined. I have been very critical of StoryFire, and sometimes harshly critical, but that's because I have always supported it and wanted to see it better.
I will actually miss StoryFire. Even though the last year (2020) has made it turn very sour around the time of the marketing push with oversaturated and uninteresting content, it turned into a dumping ground of rejects and washed up YouTubers. I hate to say it, but it's true. More than half of the new users didn't even stick with the platform but to no fault of their own. (I will explain in a moment.) StoryFire before the marketing push was, in my opinion, really good. It wasn't fantastic, it was a borderline 6/10, but it most certainly had the ability to improve and become a better platform.
The story portion of the platform is arguably what I might miss the most. The stories in StoryFire, the feature alone, was what made StoryFire unique and stand out from the rest of the platforms. You have other sites like Parler and Bitchute and all those AltTech sites that don't have a feature like that. Not even YouTube, Vimeo, or Daily Motion had stories on them. In fact, StoryFire once had a non-public feature where you can read a story and then watch a video after it, which is what My Virtual Escape did. I personally BEGGED Jesse for this feature, but it never came to light. The stories on StoryFire were actually decent, and the community around the story feature was humble. Although, I think it was very ironic that the web feature didn't have a dedicated section to actually read them, or browse stories. Why? Because StoryFire was trying to focus on what it wasn't; YouTube. (More on this later.)
Another thing I will miss about StoryFire is the hybrid social feed. It was a mixture of Twitter and Instagram. I noticed recently that they added a 500 character limit, which is actually fantastic. I actually remember bringing this up to Jesse on his Twitch stream (back when he was playing Call of Duty: Warzone) and he said it was actually a brilliant idea, saying "I was onto something." The 500 character limit is double Twitter's character limit, which I personally is a greater advantage. StoryFire's social feed is a better Twitter feed. Actually, no, I take that back. StoryFire's social feed is not only better than Twitter's social feed, but it's arguably much better than Twitter. It's Twitter without the bullshit. (But I must interject that the profile system on StoryFire was complete crap, and I have made a video regarding this subject with a full-fledged concept.) If the profiles on StoryFire were like Twitter or Facebook, with the big banner and organized profile picture and post placements, then I would have had more reason to use StoryFire (customization is everything) and it would have been a lot more attractive.
Freedom of speech is a much-valued right that people want to preserve online. What I really liked about StoryFire is that individuals were really able to say what they wanted. However, this was troublesome for moderators, as I have heard first hand that they did not have any tools and had to talk to Brian in order to ban someone. (More on that later.) Regardless, StoryFire, in my opinion, was really a place where you could say mostly anything that would be "socially unacceptable" on Twitter or Facebook. Like I said earlier, StoryFire was mostly Twitter but without the bullshit drama and political partisanship. (I will touch on that later.) And to mention the 500 character limit, that was also really nice. Regardless, StoryFire was able to get away with "freedom of speech" and "anti-censorship" because it did not cater to the far right or far left. It was for common folk to get on and talk civilly. And even though there was a lot of political speech on there, and I often posted about gun rights and advocacy (because I believe in minimal firearm regulations,) there was no subjection for any ban and all parties were civil because no one threatened anyone or broke the rules. On Twitter or Facebook, that would indicate you as a social bot or get you locked out of your account. So I think that StoryFire really succeeded in the freedom of speech part. And honestly, I do think that StoryFire does deserve praise for that. Jesse always wanted people to have a platform, and he really wanted everything (within reason) to be said.
What I will not miss about StoryFire... A lot of things.
What I will not miss about StoryFire is the videos that were spammed. What really made me leave StoryFire is when videos were spammed. I will point fingers and mean nothing personally. When I saw BowBlax post, not only did he dominate my sub box, but he dominated a lot of other home page elements. There was little to no competition, other than the DramaAlert videos that Daniel Keem would make. I mean no disrespect to anyone I name by hand, but for all of the people who were brought onto the marketing push, I would say that one or two-fifths of the select individuals actually uploaded consistently. Props to them, but there was no competition or original content, so I just could not stay. The only thing that made me stay for my final few months was the story portion and the social feed because the community on there (that were not involved in big organized groups i.e. BlazeClan, Flame Gang, etc) were pretty good. Something I will mention later, StoryFire should have separated amateur content from the professional or verified content. With all of them mixed together with absolutely zero prioritization, it really made the homepage look like a mess and generally uninteresting. Also, a nit-pick, Raka Raka hasn't uploaded in months, why is he on the banner? That should be space for an advertisement so StoryFire can get ad funding. Remember when YouTube used to have an advertisement on its home screen? If StoryFire was trying to go for that YouTube look, it would have taken a step forward and helped itself in the process.
Another thing would be the video applications. For this Reddit post exclusively, I will show you a video application that really impressed Brian himself. Yes, it was mostly done by us and with help from professionals, and Brian did tell me that he loved it himself. Do you want to know why that channel wasn't accepted onto StoryFire? Copyright. That's it. I'll let that slide, but that doesn't excuse the fact that the application system was an atrocious turn-off to many. There needed to be other ways, and there are, for video uploading to be far more accessible. I have seen a lot of applications back in the day when this app was popping off. There were a lot of really bad videos that had no thought, acting, or anything done to them, let alone proper editing. However, I will talk about an alternative to applications later on. But this point is for the application system alone, and just how bad it was. It turned a lot of people away. And to add insult to injury, it used Google forums and not an in-house StoryFire application.
The overall layout. The homepage and design of the StoryFire website was unorganized at best. What I did not like is that StoryFire's homepage was focused a bit too heavily on videos. It did not focus on stories enough on the web, and finding stories on the web was really hard (and the stories themselves were buggy on the web,) and there just needs to be far more organization. This will be touched on later.
StoryFire, and the logo. StoryFire does not catch. It is not a really memorable name, and not a lot of people will take interest in it. StoryFire itself suggests that it focuses strictly on stories, and not videos. Fortunately, I have been brainstorming some ideas... StoryFire should have at least had a minimalistic or 3D-ish logo. But the logo we have does not fit with the times. It makes no sense for a business graphic. It's too big, it's really bulky, and it again does not catch. (Again, more on this later.)
What does Jesse do now?
I feel that Jesse should return to YouTube for some time, and take any offers he can get that might be useful for views and financial compensation. Jesse seriously needs to focus on the quality of his content, and he needs to focus on his financial situation. I am unsure of StoryFire's financial backend, but I guarantee you that Jesse has lost a TON of money in just keeping StoryFire up alone.
So with this being said, Jesse needs to regain the money that he has lost. He needs to regain his old audience, he needs to gain viewership again. We need some old 2016 and 2018 collab series back, as those racked in a TON of views, thus resulting in more money.
I really do think that Jesse should rebuild a new platform. It needs to be StoryFire, but better. StoryFire did a lot of things right that the next platform can do better. Jesse even said it himself, he has learned a lot within the last 4 years, and he even said that StoryFire itself was a learning experience. It most certainly was.
Personally, it's been a while since I've seen a decent video from Jesse. Jesse is burnt out, and he has been focusing a lot on StoryFire. I cannot wait, and am now quite interested, in seeing where Jesse goes after this. It is getting to a point where I actually want to see what Jesse does now. Despite me being a critic and supporter, I really want to see what happens next.
Let's talk about videos, features, and how it can learn and improve from StoryFire.
I think that Jesse should have a new platform up and running by 2023 at the earliest. I want to see a bigger and better StoryFire, that isn't StoryFire. I was thinking of some names that could be... Better suited to videos and social media sharing. A name I thought of... "RidgVid." Because since Jesse has been focusing on videos more than stories on StoryFire, I incorporated "vid" and "RiDGiD STUDiOS" together, since Jesse would be head of the scene. It would sound a bit more fluid and easier to remember.
Now, what should RidgVid do? Most of what StoryFire did, but it isn't that. It will be a primary video website for what StoryFire was intending to be. On Jesse's new site, the stories will be there as it was on StoryFire, maybe expanded upon a bit, but it will mostly function the same. The only difference is that it will not be clunky and difficult like StoryFire was. It will be a hybrid of 2010's YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.
The video feature of the new site, you have to pay a one time fee of $5 USD or so (per account!) for it. You also have to verify your phone number, and have a valid email address. You start off with a 10 minute cap, you can't go over. Now, because finances are a stress point, if you want to get 5 additional minutes, you can pay $1.99 for that, and continue doing so. Payment is one easy way to do it. However, after paying the one time fee, you can circumvent buying more time and get more time to upload for free by surpassing a certain number of likes per video (i.e. if one video gets 500 likes, you are entitled to 3 extra minutes of upload length. This happens one per video and is capped at 30 minutes long.) Now, you might think that's a dumb idea.
>>Why would anyone pay $5 to upload? Well, finances. It supports Jesse and the site. But, if you are trusted in the community and have proven to upload consistently good videos, then you wouldn't have to pay the the $2 extra. And plus, the reason to pay in the first place is to completely get rid of the horrid application system that StoryFire had. Regardless, everyone wanted to upload. Now this begs the question, "with all these videos being uploaded, surely the servers will be overloaded. How do we prevent spam and nonsense videos?" Easy. Let's say you're like, 12, and you just uploaded a virtically filmed video of yourself playing Fortnite and you upload it to RidgVid (tell me if you like the name btw,) and he's talking in a high pitched voice giving "commentary" about what you are trying to see, and you see that no one liked the video (or it got disliked.) Well over time, users can flag videos they deem to be "legitimately unconstructive," or spam, or copyright (i.e. filming yourself reading a book or filming a concert straight-up with no filming professionalism or anything else.) In order for a video to be deleted in the name of spam or unconstructive content, users can flag it and it will be reviewed by a team of human spam moderators, and in good faith, they will determine if a video should be or should not be deleted. "And what about video game content?" Take a look at the video I linked above, there is a clear difference between no-commentary gameplay and gameplay with legitimate editorial substance.
Will anything be different with the homepage? I can argue that the homepage was arguable one of the worth things about the website. Had StoryFire would have had a homepage like VKontakte's social feed, kinda like how on Twitter, it immediately brings you to the social feed instead of anything else. For example, then it would have been a bit better. VK has a sidebar (in chronological order) that can bring you to your profile, news feed, messages, friends (or in StoryFire's case, subscribers. Even though StoryFire should have two seperate lists for subscribers and friends, like way far back OG YouTube did,) communities, photos, music, video, and games. There was even sections for a marketplace, which StoryFire was testing out years back, and "VK Pay," which StoryFire's answer was Blaze.
And regarding Blaze, the new site should keep Blaze's fundematal meaning, just don't call it Blaze. Drop the entire campfire and fire aspect altogether. Call it RidgCoin for all I care, I think that's a good name. But Blaze, keep that idea and fundemental.
For the moderators, I have heard first-hand stories from StoryFire mods that they do not have the proper tools to moderate the site. Jesse's next website should offer a whole slew of regulations and tools for moderators. This includes the ability to delete comments, story/social posts, view private DM's, view username changes internally, have the ability to ban users (instead of asking Brian to do it,) have the ability to leave private notes on users that can be seen only by other mods, the ability to have a moderator group DM with Jesse and other admins in it for direct conversation.
And as for video moderators, as I have previously mentioned, those would be different than social feed and story moderators. Two seperate teams, all under the same umbrella.
Direct messaging was barebones on StoryFire!!! C'mon, Jesse! I saw your video on Twitter telling people on Wallstreet Bets to join StoryFire. You showed them the profiles, the DM's. That isn't enough. StoryFire should have had group DM's like Reddit/Discord does. It should also have voice and video calling. No other video sharing website has that, maybe a few does... But more ideas for your next site!
It's a wrap.
McJuggerNuggets did in fact say that he wanted to keep the idea of StoryFire in mind. He made a phrase in his recent video that really inciuated that... StoryFire was just a stepping stone. A learning experience. And quite frankly, StoryFire was a MASSIVE learning experience. In fact, I am quite impressed with it. Although Jesse marketed it quite terribly, I feel really bad for the half a million he spent on the semi-failure marketing push and the lack of creators staying... You mostly can't blame them. StoryFire wasn't ready for it. Neither is it ready for investors. But, StoryFire was in fact an experiment. Likewise, I do not think Jesse is done. In fact, I want to see him make another platform. Using this thread and all the ideas, build off of StoryFire. Do not leave the stories part out of it. Look at the VK side bar, and it should have been a side tab on the web for people to view stories. Create other in-house features, like a documents page. Jesse's next site could be like, the Swiss Army Knife of video platforms. It could have all kinds of tools and features. Like how Google has Google Docs, Slides, YouTube, contacts, Drive... Jesse could create an all-on-one off brand site that could in fact beat other sites like Daily Motion and Vimeo out of the water simply because it has more in-house recourses and utilities.
Regardless, I hope you liked this post. It was just mostly some ideas, and complaints I had. Jesse, I am actually proud of you and of StoryFire. I know I have been very harsh since the marketing push, but that's because I was irritated with the direction it was going. I always have supported the StoryFire. Why I decided to come back, it was mostly out of shock and concern. I never expected this to happen so suddenly. The money could have gone to better areas, yeah, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that you did what other's couldn't. StoryFire will forever be a great example of "I'll make my own website because I do not like how the mainstream media and giant tech runs things." When people tell others "if you don't like it, go make your own site," this is exactly what happens when you do that. Jesse did just that. He proved to everyone that 1.) it's very expensive, and 2.) it's very hard to even begin competing.
You didn't let anyone down, Jesse. No one is disappointed. You stood up to the big tech with your own product. You did what people said to do, "go create your own site if you don't like it." You offered real solutions to big problems YouTube had. You offered a platform for everyone that was suppressed and silenced. StoryFire was better than Parler, it was better than most AltTech sites. It was just an experiment. A broken, buggy, but very ambitious Cyberpunk 2077-esque equivelant website. Big dreams, hard to do.
It took me two days to make this post. (I've been working a lot.) Sorry if I did not address any points. Tell me what you think.
submitted by KeepItRiDGiD129 to McJuggerNuggets [link] [comments]

Ideas for long-distance activities

Especially with the pandemic going on and finding difficulties to see your loved one, we try our best to keep the spark alive. And I see some people asking for what things you could do with your partner when you spend time together. I wanted to make this list and I hope it could be helpful to some. There are just some of the things I've done with my partner plus some ideas that we've yet to try but others could.
• Watching a movie or YouTube together (Teleparty, Discord screenshare, Watch2gether)
• Listening to music together (Spotify, Discord server VC)
• Reading each other stories and poems
• Singing to each other or togethekaraoke (Smule, Discord server VC where you could add a bot for music and lyrics)
• Playing games together (Stardew Valley and Minecraft, to name a few) You can try out other games if you have other consoles
• Playing board games (Tabletop Simulator, Catan, Othello, Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly)
• Other games: Battleship (Browser game), Cards Against Humanity and play with your partner and friends), Tetris, Facebook Games(Uno!, Dominoes, Draw Something, Word Blitz), Secret Hitler, Plato(mobile), QuizUp(mobile)
• Virtual museum tour
• Tour around your place using Google Maps and Street View
• Writing letters to each other
• Drawing each othetogether (There are sites where you can draw on the same board)
• Parsec (Allows remote gaming where you can control your partner's PC and vice versa. I tried this with my partner when we played Sims 4)
• Have a shared journal (I used Between. If you upload pictures or make new posts, your partner will be notified. It's like social media, but just shared between the both of you)
• Making a crossword puzzle for the other to solve (When I made one for my partner)
• Dancing/doing exercises together over FaceTime
• Sleep call
• Make quizzes for each other to take about yourself (Facebook has this app called "Know Your Friends". You could make a quiz about you and share it to your partner for them to take)
• Study session over call (If both of you are busy with homework, you could be in the same call and share screen. Your partner can help keep you accountable. You could also listen to the same music together.)
• Learn a language together (See who progresses more quickly over Duolingo)
• Learn an instrument together (If both you have the same instrument with you, you can progress together or have the other who knows to help you out)
• Try using Snap Camera for when you call over PC/laptop. There's some fun filters you could try out. Facebook Messenger also has games for when you video call.
• Cook the same dinner together and FaceTime.
• Take your partner out on a tour of your neighbourhood or school while you FaceTime them.
• Make TikToks/duets together.
• Make a Pinterest board where both of you could collab. Be it, pins of your dream house, clothes you would like for your partner to try, etc.
• Share a YouTube playlist where both of you could add songs.
• Dress up for each other over FaceTime
• Ask each other questions (You could look up "Questions to ask your boyfriend/girlfriend or check out some books such as "401 Questions for Couples in Long Distance" and "The Complete Book of Questions: 1001 Conversation Starters for Any Occasion")
• Go online shopping together (I did this with my partner when I was consulting him which shades for lipstick he wants to see me wear)
• Play texting games (Some good ones here)
If there are some more that I haven't included, suggestions would be appreciated! If anyone needs the link for the websites/games/apps I've mentioned, feel free to leave a comment.
submitted by BuoyantBun to LongDistance [link] [comments]

Smash Mouth, the Short Lived Bard

So, I want to start off by saying that until last night, I didn't believe most of these stories. I thought most were made up or exaggerated for reddit clout and to get His Crabliness to take notice. I realise my folly far too late, now nursing a hangover on account of having to drink through last night's debacle. There are a couple players in this tale, I'll introduce them as they become relevant.
To set the stage: I was the random for my group. We play online, and I was picked up by a member, we'll call him K, to fill a slot early this year. It's been a blast! We play once a week, and are just starting our second main campaign with new characters (Storm King's Thunder, for which there will be minor spoilers for the first encounter.) I guess K decided to try to repeat their success with me and wanted to add one more to the fun just in time for the new game! Enter... we'll call him Ed.
Ed joined the server yesterday, a good couple hours before session 0 was to begin. Just in the chat, I could already tell that something felt a bit off about Ed. Nearly immediately there was the beginnings of an argument between him and one of the long time players in this group, C. Ed was asking about the main cultural influence for the campaign, meaning what kind of real world inspiration it would take. C didn't understand because, well, it's a published campaign set in the Sword Coast. Most 5th edition players know what they're getting into with that, but not Ed.
Ed, apparently, was hoping that this was a Greek inspired game because he wanted to play Alexander the Great. Not a conqueroleader archetype but a literal Greek fighter noble named Alexander. Odd, but fine. Do your thing, weird Greek fetishist. Discussion settles down, time passes, nearly time to start session 0. I join the call ten minutes before the session, Ed is already in the call with C, and out DM who we'll call A. A is a super chill guy, I've never heard the man even raise his voice until tonight. Ed and A are discussing character details as I join, and immediately I'm struck by this sense of entitlement that only the least aware of anyone in nerd/geek culture can be cursed with.
Mouth breathing? Check. Talking over the DM? Check. Talking over C as he tries to get some input on his character? Check. I message A, expressing my concerns about Ed. The time is 7:58 pm, and we still have some time to go. Eventually, K joins, as does C's son, H. Around this time, Ed begins expressing his "conditions" for using his Alexander the Knockoff pc. Not requests, but conditions as if we must concede to meet his standards. Firstly, he must be a high ranking cult member. Secondly, this "Illuminati style cult" (his words, not mine) must show up every couple sessions so he can use their resources and not just have them as window dressing for his character.
This is followed by a solid fifteen to twenty seconds of complete silence from A. A little background on A, he works 50+ hours a week, goes to night classes, and is closing on a house so his spare time is next to 0. As a compromise, A suggested that maybe Ed should look at the factions for 5e, and he could reflavour the Harpers to seem a little more culty.
Not good enough.
Ed, in his congested worst nerd stereotype voice, declares that if A wouldn't meet him half-way then his character wouldn't work. A steps out to smoke, leaving the rest of us with him. Ed states that he'll "make things easier on A, and just look through the module himself for NPCs to be in the cult." At this point I had to mute myself and audibly complain to my roommate, who I play D&D with in our own game that I run. If any of my players told me they'd look through the book to change how I run my game I'd start homebrewing the shit out of everything to thwart the inevitable metagaming to come. C piped up, and said it wasn't fair for him to expect A to put in all the extra work for his character when he made it clear how strapped for time he is, and how he'd be running this game pretty close to the module. "But he already agreed, I'm just making it easy for him to do now!" Whined Ed. Time: 8:20pm. I'm pouring my third drink because oh boy I need it.
A does return, and tries to work out something with Ed. He suggests reflavouring a faction again- denied. He suggests trying to work in (minor spoilers here) a reworked cult of the dragon, as they were going to be in the campaign anyway. Denied. A suggests maybe there's something waiting for him in one of the bigger cities when they get there? To which a frustrated Ed laments:
"Well then I guess my character won't work." There's a moment of silence before I reply, "Well no, not if you're going to be that inflexible about your concept." "I'm trying to be flexible, but I guess I'll have to figure out another character since you won't do anything." Both K and C both chime in to disagree with Ed. By this point, I can hear A's blood boiling over, and he starts going off about how he has tried to compromise but is just getting stonewalled by Ed over and over. I step in, try to diffuse and explain very calmly about how busy A is, and how the rest of us have made adjustments to our characters as needed to fit with what we want and what A can manage to work in with his current situation. But, if this worked, this wouldn't be much of a horror story. Time: 8:45 and I'm pouring drink 4.
Ultimately, Ed decides to abandon Alexander the Off-Brand and asks if satirical characters are allowed. We play with H, and H has some pretty off the wall characters so we're used to shenanigans. Amazingly, after everything A still said yes. Why? I don't know, I'm not in charge here. By this time, K had privately apologized to us all for whatever Ed is. And Ed? Well, he begins creating Smash Mouth. first name, last name. Smash Mouth. A bard, who he giddily explains while mouth breathing through eating a slice of pizza will be a bard! Who only sings- one guess to the lucky follower of the one true crab god what he sings. The prize will be some shit covered in glitter, because all that glitters is gold.
Every word out of his mouth for the next fifteen minutes while the rest of us are getting concepts and background features okay'd is a lyric from All Star. Every single one only tangentially related to what's going on, each one met with silence that hung over us like the guillotine that was threatening to kill this session from the first moment Ed opened his mouth.
The rest of us cringed in mostly silence while Ed slurped up his pizza and laughed at his own Smash Mouth jokes. Trust me, the ice he stood on was getting pretty thin indeed. By about 9:15 I am sufficiently inebriated enough to not actively hate everything going on, and we begin the introduction to the session. We start off with character introductions and as I volunteer I am immediately interrupted by Ed. "actually I think I'll go" he says, spittle surely flying from his lips.
"Sure, man, by all means." I thought I'd give him one last chance to do something that didn't make me want to respond with open hostility.
"So my uh, my name is Smash Mouth" he stops to laugh before proceeding with "I just thought I should go first because I'm an all star." Once again met by silence, but not before gleefully announcing that he chose not to take any weapons or amour since he was a famous singer. Why would he need a weapon? I introduced my Warlock without acknowledging him at all. I should also mention that our discord server has the groovy bot, and he was trying (and thankfully failing) to play all star on loop. Or he succeeded, I don't know, I muted the bot before he could start.
Each player introduces their PC, and we're led to Nightstone where we see the gates to the city open, the bell to the church ringing, and nothing but empty streets pockmarked with boulders. Some houses are partially destroyed, and our cleric spots some goblins mounted on worgs on the far end of town. Still outside the gates, we begin planning a way to get rid of the goblins without putting ourselves at too much risk. The general plan is to have myself and the fighter up in the battlements of the gatehouse firing spells and arrows to take them down, and have the druid and cleric attack anything that gets too close. As for Smash Mouth the Bard? Well, while we were planning he wandered into town. We heard the bells stop ringing for about 24 seconds before it started ringing again.
After some successful goblin killing, we did eventually find Smash Mouth stabbed to death in the church.
At the digital D&D table, however, things looked a little differently. He chose to walk into town, and into the church. The goblins didn't notice him since the bell was so loud. What's the best call here, un armed bard? Call out to the goblins? Yep, that's the move. They notice him, draw weapons as the bell stops ringing, roll initiative!
"Uhhh, why am I rolling initiative? I'm not fighting them."
"Yes," I reply, fully aware of what's about to happen, "but they're fighting you."
A is rolling initiative for the two gobbos while Ed drops in and out of the call. After a good couple minutes, Ed says that he doesn't know what A wants him to do, so he'll just roll performance. I think he rolled well, but the goblins don't have much interest in his music. They stab him once: 5 damage. A second time: 5 damage. He's down, and while my memory is a touch hazy about this part I like to believe that A coup de graced him for good measure. At some point in the following couple minutes Ed dropped out of the call again. A took the chance to ban him from the server, and we all blocked him in turn, breathing a collective sigh of relief. The time was 9:45pm, and we were free.
The career of Smash the Mouth Breather was short lived. Maybe we didn't ultimately deal with the situation in the best way, but hey. There's so much to do, so much to see, so what's wrong with banning an obnoxious PC who talks over everyone else and demands to be the centre of attention? Thankfully, the rest of the session was amazing, and I can breathe a little easier knowing that he won't be there next Saturday.
As for Ed? Well, I have to hope in my heart of hearts that he was just an incredible troll. I refuse to believe anyone can be that unaware of when a joke isn't working, or when he's grinding the DMs gears. If he wasn't trolling, then I do genuinely hope that he can learn from things in retrospect and that he works on improving his social skills. Nothing wrong with self improvement, because we could all use a little change.
submitted by Ryder_of_Rohan to CritCrab [link] [comments]

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Toronto Daily - Jan 27th 2021

Welcome to the Toronto Daily Thread.

This thread serves two purposes:
1) To collect and make visible new posts in smaller Toronto based subreddits.
Feel free to visit, comment and be generally helpful in posts indexed below. Please also remember to stay on your best behaviour when travelling outside of /toronto.
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To that end, use this thread to talk about whatever is on your mind, regardless of whether or not it's related to Toronto.
No matter where you're posting, please remember to be excellent to each other.


Post Title Author Comments
Do people like living in the fashion district? tinybabycutiegirl 0
Wings Hot Chili Sauce whoatemarykate 0
Contact Tracing Jobs— Wondering if anyone has done this? KatVeee 0
Dentist recko for young kids curiouscatont 0
moving question. alexefi 2
How do you plan on using your vacation days in 2021? daisylife 21
Online makeup classes alyssialui 3
Question about self-isolation with roommate justavg1 10
Moving Help/Suggestion Puzzle_Solved 6
Is using all the money i saved up to pay a down payment on a house a smart or dumb idea? plzlet27 16
Vaccine Appointment Postponed DoozyDog 3
Wait times to see a geneticists / genetic counsellor? geneticsthrowaway123 2
We were planning to shoot a music video for one of our songs in Toronto and Montreal inspired by the hip's Bobcaygeon but then ... confinement hit ... We're looking for volunteers who are home and confined away from loved ones to help us 'film' the video in their home. PurveyorOfSapristi 0
House value estimator? rude-a-bega 8
New Condos Maintenance Fees hikim94 5
North York General Hospital told me I had until the age of 25 to receive birth record. However, when I requested it they said they can’t find it. Where else can I look for my birth records? summergaymes 6
Is Toronto a World Class city? Scottie3Hottie 20
Those who have been laid off, how has your job search been? Alabamaarkansas_ 11
Dentist recommendations? NoPreference416 6
recommend korean fried chicken trickledownbubonics 9
Dry cleaner ruined my $2700 suit Biffmcgee 12
Bus from Airport to subway free? sussso 4
Recommended Condo Management Companies for small condo building? CivicAnchor 2
Where to get black kitten? k5683 9
Good Endocrinologists in toronto? CarreraLu 5


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[For Hire] A well written resume can be the difference between getting a job and landing a career. Let me help you find your career! Career_Workshop 0
18 Canadian startups with job openings this February MaRSDD_Toronto 0


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online karaoke on discord saturday january 30 7pm ontario time Androidguy1981 0
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Groovy is one of the best-paid discord music bots and is loved Music Bot by users in 2021. People from different countries use this. Groovy comes with a bundle of unique features. Most of the features of Groovy are available for free. Still, it has a paid plan too. Similar to other bots; you can search for music inside the bot and play the music from any music streaming websites like YouTube, Spotify, or even Apple Music. 24/7 discord music bot Non-stop music in discord, multisource, unlimited video length, radio streams, livestreams and more! Kyoko. This is an open-source and a powerful Discord Bot which has lots of features. Kyoko music bot is very easy to use. There are features like customizable profiles, intuitive dashboard, currency system, moderation, auto-roles, advanced music player with cool features like karaoke mode, module player. If you’re looking for an incredible discord music bot that can painlessly play music from any site, then Marv should be your go to. It’s super fast, easy to use and can play songs of any length from multiple platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Nico Nico, Clyp and more – all for free. Rhythm is a popular choice when it comes to the best music bots for Discord. Similar to FredBoat, Rhythm also provides you with excellent music listening experience from multiple sources like Youtube, Soundcloud, Twitch, and more. Besides letting you stream high-quality music, Rhythm additionally provides the lyrics as well. The most complete & easy-to-use Discord bot! Advanced auto-moderation, leveling, Twitch and Youtube alerts & much more! Promoted View. 26 ONLINE 340 Servers Sentinel Sentinel is a Discord Global Ban bot featuring customization and features toggling. Promoted View Invite. 2,210,732 ONLINE 1,336,445 Servers Mudae Database of 60,000 anime/game characters to claim and customize (waifu gacha). 400 ... Reddit Bots - Discord Bot List Spice up your Discord experience with our diverse range of Discord bots Best Music Bots for Discord. 1. Groove. Groove provides a high-quality music service that streams directly from Spotify, Apple Music, Sound Cloud, YouTube, etc. Even on the large servers with lots of online users, the quality is stable and high. Commands and usability are also very simple and easy to use. This is the best music bot in my opinion. Check out its features. 3. share. Report Save. level 1. 3 years ago. Rythm is quite good. 3. share . Report Save. level 1. 3 years ago. I've been using dabBot-- source code here (don't worry, you don't have to self-host) -- and having no issues, although it's (intentionally) very basic. 2. share. Report Save. level 1. 3 years ago. dabBot, fredBoat ... Bot Request [Free] Discord bots for voice chat ... I am trying to find a bot that can take requests for music and play it into a voice channel but then remembers all the songs that we have put in and makes a playlist so then when we want we can just press play and it will cycle through all the songs that we have previously listed? 12. 9 comments. share. save. hide. report. Continue browsing in ...

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